Diaverum Suzano

Diaverum Suzano

Rua Gato Cinzento, 65, 08615-070 سوزانو, البرازيل

مفتوحة اليوم 06:00 - 21:00

نبذة عن العيادة


مرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية
مرضى التهاب الكبد B
مرضى التهاب الكبد C

Welcome to Diaverum Suzano.
Improving the quality of life of our patients is our mission. Because everyone deserves a fulfilling life. To this way, we strive to make a difference in the lives of our patients by providing dialysis care based on the highest quality standards.
Our specialised teams work in an integrated way, to meet the different needs of each patient, in very warm and friendly environments.
Inaugurated in 1992, it became part of Diaverum in 2018. In addition to specialized ambulatories for the best care of patients, the clinic has 50 stations, equipped with modern technology to ensure safety and the best treatment.
With strong influence of Japanese culture, Suzano is known for its pleasant climate and for allowing contact with nature, as well as an exuberant culture of flowers and vegetables.
It has easy access from São Paulo and to the coast, extra attractions to receive patients as part of the d.HOLIDAY program.


شبكة واي فاي مجانيّة
شاشات تلفزيون

أيام العلاج المُتاحة

ما الذي يعنيه ذلك؟

ساعات العمل

الاثنين 06:00 - 21:00
الثلاثاء 06:00 - 21:00
الأربعاء 06:00 - 21:00
الخميس 06:00 - 21:00
الجمعة 06:00 - 21:00
السبت 06:00 - 21:00
الأحد مُغلقة

خيارات السداد

حوالة مصرفية

الوصول إلى العيادة

Rua Gato Cinzento, 65, 08615-070 سوزانو, البرازيل

١٨٢ € / لكل علاج

تحديد العلاج